MODE Global - Carrier Registration System
Registration services provided by RMIS


Thank you for your interest in becoming an approved carrier. Below are some of our key requirements in order for your company to qualify as an approved carrier. All elements identified as 'required' must be completed in order for the qualification process to be completed. If your company is not compliant to one or several of the qualification criteria, you may return at another time to register once the non-compliant items are corrected.

To become an Approved carrier you must provide and meet the following criteria:

  • Provide your MC/MX# or DOT# to begin registration. Intrastate carriers without a DOT# may provide an applicable state registration number to begin registration.
  • Carrier Contact must be authorized to enter into and bind your company to the Transportation Services Contract.
  • Validate or provide the carrier contact information.
  • Submit an electronic W9. (Canadian carriers will download special IRS forms and submit offline.)
  • Complete the Carrier Profile.
  • Read and ACCEPT the "Transportation Services Contract".
  • Provide a Certificate of Insurance that meets the insurance minimum requirements below. Certificates must be submitted from your insurance producer (agent);
    • Common or Contract Authority:
      • $100,000 Cargo Coverage
      • $1,000,000 Auto Coverage
      • Worker's Compensation as required by law.
      • General Liability (GL) insurance in a minimum amount of $1,000,000 is preferred.
    • Broker Only Authority:
      • $250,000 Cargo Coverage
      • $5,000,000 Auto Coverage
      • $500,000 Worker's Compensation as required by law.
      • General Liability (GL) insurance in a minimum amount of $1,000,000 is preferred.
  • If RMIS does not already have a copy of your certificate on file, we will request one for you from your insurance agent (producer).
  • You will be required to meet the following Carrier Compliance Requirements:
    • Safety Rating must be Satisfactory or None.
    • Active Common or Contract Authority for at least 365 days from Last Reinstatement Date.
    • Active Broker Authority for at least 730 days from Last Reinstatement Date.
    • All Carriers must have appropriate Federal, State, or Provincial Authority.
    • Financially stable.

Continue to register as a carrier for all MODE Global brands.